Player safety is our top priority and each season we are doing everything possible to protect our youth players. We work to make sure our risk management and background screening requirements are implemented, and we are continually evaluating and revising our process to be at the forefront of player safety.
Adults must complete and pass the following requirements
ALL VOLUNTEERS (including Coaches):
- MYSA Background Check
- Safesport Training (you will receive a link after you complete your background check).
- Concussion Training (every three years)
Each year, all registered MYSA adults must pass a background check to work and interact with players. Registered adults include head coaches, assistant coaches, team managers, club administrators, referees, and really, any adult who interacts with a youth player in conjunction with soccer.
These adult participants must meet certain minimum standards, and if an adult does not meet these standards, the person is disqualified and cannot participate in any capacity.
All registered adults must complete SafeSport training, which aims to educate adults on emotional, physical, and sexual misconduct in sport. This training complies with the Federal law, and also teaches adults their duties of mandatory reporting. All adults must complete a 90-minute training at the beginning of their first year, and then are required to complete a 30-minute refresher course annually. All registered MYSA members receive the training free of charge through a link that is provided after completion of a background check
Other adults including parents are welcome and encouraged to also complete the free trainings on the SafeSport website:
We require registered adults to complete concussion training every three years. While there are various online concussion trainings available, we endorse CDC’s HEADS UP training. Parents are also encouraged to complete the free trainings on the website as concussion consequences don’t stay on the field.
Please contact Sean Martinson if you have any questions or need help getting these started.
218-259-3129 ~ [email protected]