Do you need more information on becoming an official or what it entails? The Grand Rapids Area Soccer Club partners with The Third Team Official's
CLICK HERE to start a background check.Click here for referee specific background check.Background check registration is open for 2023.Minnesota State Law, MYSA, and GRASC Policy requires that all adult participants including member club officials, coaches, team managers, and administrator who are at least 18 years old must have an approved annual background check before they participate in any GRASC activity.
Merely completing a background check is not sufficient to meet the requirement to participate, the background check must be approved before any activity starts.
Background checks are valid on a calendar year basis (January 1 through December 31).
All adults must complete a background check on or after November 1, 2022 in order to be eligible for participation in the spring 2023 or fall 2023 season. Adults must pass the background check before participating in any activities.
An applicant will be eligible if the background check reveals:
1. "No Records Found" (i.e. no convictions of a criminal nature)2. Traffic offenses only (i.e. speeding ticket | except as provided below)3. Petty Misdemeanors only (i.e. littering)
An applicant may be eligible if the background check reveals:1. A Misdemeanor conviction or pending case related to financial crimes2. A Misdemeanor conviction or pending case of Driving Under the Influence, Driving While Intoxicated or a similar offense3. A Misdemeanor conviction or pending case of a non-serious nature, which for purposes herein shall specifically exclude crimes involving violence, crimes involving the use of weapons, crimes committed against a minor and crimes of a sexual nature
In these cases, GRASC will investigate the offenses outlined above and render a determination as to the applicant's eligibility. If an applicant is deemed ineligible, the applicant may appeal to GRASC.
An applicant will be ineligible (unable to participate in any GRASC activities) if the background check reveals:1. Any conviction or similar disposition (i.e. no contest or plea agreement, including a plea to a lesser offense) of a Gross Misdemeanor or Felony2. Any pending case involving charges for a Gross Misdemeanor or Felony
If you have technical difficulties completing your background check, use the reference guide or call the technical support hotline at 855-703-2578.
ALL ADULTS MUST COMPLETE THE SAFESPORT TRAININGSafeSport training is mandatory for every adult participant within GRASC, including coaches, managers and administrators. The training covers three topics: mandatory reporting, sexual misconduct awareness education, and emotional and physical misconduct.
All registered GRASC members receive the training free of charge through a link that is provided after completion of a background check. Adults should complete this training before beginning any sanctioned activity with their club.
SafeSport Training Cycle: Year 1: SafeSport Trained Core trainingYear 2: Refresher 1Year 3: Refresher 2Year 4: Refresher 3Year 5: Restart process with the SafeSport Trained Core training
The U.S. Center for SafeSport also offers training and resources for parents of athletes. Parents are encouraged to use these resources to familiarize themselves with SafeSport’s philosophy and policies.
Parent SafeSport Training
Parents can also check out US Soccer's Safe Soccer Framework here
In 2018, Congress passed The Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse and Safe Sport Authorization Act of 2017 (the SafeSport Act). The legislation is aimed at preventing and reporting child abuse in youth sports by expanding the categories of “mandatory reporters” and requiring organizations to provide enhanced training. GRASC requires all of its adult members to complete the training and follow the reporting guidelines of SafeSport.
Click here to view the Safe Sport Authorization Act
Click here to report a concern
In addition to requiring training, the SafeSport Act also expands the definition of mandatory reporter to include any “adult who is authorized, by a national governing body, a member of the national governing body…to interact with a minor or amateur athlete at an amateur sports organization facility or at any event sanctioned by a national governing body, a member of a national governing body, or such an amateur sports organization.” GRASC urges all adults to understand their reporting obligations outlined below.
Under the SafeSport Act, the reporting obligation is triggered when a mandatory reporter becomes aware of “facts that give reason to suspect” a child has suffered an incident of child abuse. Mandatory reporters should refrain from judging or evaluating the credibility of such allegations, and instead immediately report these incidents to law enforcement and to SafeSport. Failure to promptly (within 24 hours of becoming aware) report suspected child abuse to law enforcement may constitute a violation of federal law, state law and U.S. Soccer’s SafeSport Policy. Click on the “report a concern” if you have suspicions that must be reported.
The Third Team Officials' AssociationSean Martinson218-259-3129[email protected]
High School officials needed!Contact: Sean Martinson 218-259-3129